
Are you tired of installers? Do you think you are badass enough to install a WAMP server manually? THEN THIS TUTORIAL IS FOR YOU!

This tutorial doesn't teach you how to secure your server. Don't use this setup as a production server. If you get hacked, it's your fault.

MySQL Installation


Download the latest win32-zip file here.

Extract the ZIP content into c:\webserv\mysql


Copy my-medium.ini as my.ini in the MySQL folder.

Setting up a password for root

This is important, please read carefully.

My attempt to define a password through my.ini was unsuccessful because mysqld --install --defaults-file=c:\webserv\mysql\my.ini didn’t work. (Ref 1, Ref 2)

If you want to set a password for root, you need to install MySQL Workbench and create a new server instance from Server Administration and set the password for root from there (after installing the service).

Installing the MySQL service

Open command prompt cmd.exe with administrator rights (otherwise you will get “access denied” error) and install the service (Ref):

mysqld --install
net start mysql

To remove the service:

net stop mysql
mysqld --remove

Optional stuff

PHP Installation


You need to download “VC9 x86 Thread Safe” version of PHP because Apache is threaded.

Exctract the content into c:\webserv\php


Copy php-development.ini as php.ini in the PHP folder.

Open up php.ini, find and replace these:

  • include_path = ".;C:\webserv\php\pear\;c:\webserv\php\includes"
  • date.timezone = "Europe/Istanbul" (List of supported timezones)
  • session.save_path = "C:\webserv\tmp" (Don’t forget create the folder tmp in c:\webserv)
  • display_errors = On
  • extension_dir = "ext"

Go to the extension section and uncomment these lines (this is required for connecting to the MySQL server):


Extras (you should enable these too):


Apache (httpd) Installation


We have to download from this site because Apache doesn’t give out binary-zip versions.

Download the one similar to and put it into c:\webserv\apache.


Open up c:\webserv\apache\conf\httpd.conf and follow the instructions below: (If you can’t find the given setting in the file, put it at the end of the file.)

Renaming paths and PHP settings are mandatory.

The PHP ZIP file you download may not have the required Apache module for your PHP version, that's why you need to download the Apache PHP module for your version

For example if your Apache version is 2.4 and PHP version is 5.4.9: You need to download this file: Open the ZIP file, select the folder with your PHP version in it and put the DLL under c:\webserv\php

Rename folder paths

Replace every c:/Apache24 with c:/webserv/apache.

It's forward slash /, not backslash \!
And no trailing slashes!

PHP settings

Add this line to the end of the LoadModule section.

LoadModule php5_module C:/webserv/php/php5apache2_4.dll

If you download httpd version 2.4, you need to use php5apache2_4.dll.

Add these directives to the end of the file: (1st statement manages .php files so that they will run through PHP. 2nd statement defines the path of php.ini.)

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "C:/webserv/php"

Enable .htaccess

If you want your .htaccess to work, find this line:

<Directory "c:/webserv/www">

Go few lines below and find this line:

AllowOverride None

Replace None with All

(optional) ServerName

Uncomment ServerName and put your own website’s adresss (e.g. ServerName or you will get a warning every time you restart httpd.

Change with localhost if you are working locally.

(optional) Modules that should be activated

Find this line and uncomment it.

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

(optional) GZip’ping pages, scripts and stylesheets

<FilesMatch "\.(html|php|css|js)$">
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

(optional) Cache for images

<FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png)$">
Header set Cache-Control public
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 3 months"

(optional) Make everybody except localhost download files with 25kB/s

Download the latest DLL file and put the DLL file in c:\webserv\apache\modules.

Add this at the end of the LoadModule section:

LoadModule bw_module modules/mod_bw.dll

Add these lines at the end of the file:

BandWidthModule On
ForceBandWidthModule On
BandWidth localhost 0
BandWidth 0
BandWidth all 25600

Installing the service

Install and start the Apache service with the commands below: (Ref)

httpd -k install
httpd -k start

PhpMyAdmin Installation

Downloading PMA

Download the latest ZIP and put the contents into c:\webserv\phpmyadmin


Copy as and open it.

Change the blowfish secret:

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'your_secret';

Even if you don’t have a password for root, PMA still doesn’t let you log in. If you want login without a password, change false to true:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;

Configuring for Apache

Go to c:\webserv\apache\conf and create a file named phpmyadmin.conf. Copy the code below to the file and save it:

Alias /phpmyadmin C:/webserv/phpmyadmin

<Directory C:/webserv/phpmyadmin>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    DirectoryIndex index.php

    <IfModule mod_php5.c>
        AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

        php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
        php_flag track_vars On
        php_flag register_globals Off
        php_value include_path .
    Require local

and add this line to httpd.conf:

Include conf/phpmyadmin.conf

Restart Apache server with httpd -k restart aaaaaaand done! Now you can visit http://localhost/phpmyadmin and enjoy your freshly installed PMA!

My tutorial is over! Thanks for reading it and good job if you got no errors!

If you have any questions please comment below or contact me on Twitter or Github. Have a nice day :)

Other stuff

MySQL client

Download HeidiSQL

System settings

To be able to type commands like these httpd -k start or mysql --install you need to add these paths to the system variable PATH.

  • c:\webserv\mysql\bin
  • c:\webserv\php
  • c:\webserv\apache\bin